Mobile apps for collecting cycling data use a phone’s technology to process it so they can only take roughly one recording from the road (e.g. detecting a pothole) every 50cm. In contrast, our technology continually takes recordings on the road so that key insights and information are never missed.
Unlike current mobile phones which contain different sensors, See.Sense lights can measure 16 million instructions per second, providing cities with more insightful information beyond just GPS, such as data on road surface quality, collisions and near-miss events, and journey mapping (including acceleration / deceleration areas).
See.Sense lights are used by all types of cyclists, from commuters and enthusiasts to casual weekend riders. This helps cities account, and build infrastructure for, a less-keen but equally concerned cyclist. A cyclist who may not use current cycling apps, yet who makes up a larger percentage of the population that cycle.
Cyclists are already highly engaged with our technology as they use their lights and app on a daily basis to improve both their safety and riding experience. This gives our solution a lower deployment cost but a higher and more sustained engagement over time.