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January 17, 2019 2 min read

We know that cycling is one of the most sustainable modes of transport, and here at See.Sense we are working to help make cycling better for everyone so that it becomes the most appealing way to travel. But setting aside the amazing benefits that cycling has on our towns and cities, we thought we would take a few moments to talk about what cycling does to our minds and bodies - to help get more people riding.

Here are some of the amazing proven benefits a regular ride on two wheels can bring you:

You’ll Increase Muscle Power

It’s all in the legs! Did you know that having just one week of inactivity can reduce the strength of your muscular system by up to 50%? (Allina Health). So start pedalling and don’t stop! Also, when you get out of your saddle from time to time (to help you get up that hill), you will be using different muscles than what you do while seated on your bike. And after just a couple of weeks of regular cycling - you will start to tone up and see some results.

You’ll Watch Your Waistline

Cycling doesn't necessarily mean that you are going to get huge legs, in fact, you are more likely to actually LOSE some weight and gain a lean appearance. Perfect for burning off the post-Christmas pounds and keeping up New Year resolutions. Cycling increases your body’s overall fitness and increases your metabolism, meaning you can have (and enjoy) that slice of cake at the coffee shop completely guilt free.

You’ll Have A Healthy (And Happy) Heart

There are so many ways in which cycling is amazing for you AND your heart. All of the factors that lead to a heart attack can be reduced by 50% (A study from Purdue University in the US found) when you ride your bike regularly - wow. And if you start riding to work or cycle short distances more regularly, then you are much less likely to have conditions in the future including heart disease, high blood pressure or high cholesterol.

Cycling Makes You Happy… Fact.

There has been a lot of focus recently on the links between our mental health wellbeing and exercise. Every current cyclist today will already know that riding bikes makes you happier. It’s been proven (In a study by the YMCA) that people with a physically active lifestyle have a wellbeing score that is 32% higher than people who don’t. Cycling gives you a feeling of freedom. You can go wherever you like and discover the world on two wheels!

You’ll Keep Your Balance

Cycling can be a balance between exertion and relaxation… whatever the ratio is, well that's completely up to you! This is why cycling can literally be for everyone at any level of fitness. Cycling to work is a great way to fit in your daily exercise around your busy work life. So if you are someone who uses a car or public transport to get to your place of work - we encourage you to try the journey on two wheels!

Check out our blog on 5 Ways We're Improving Your Cycle To Work Here.