March 08, 2022 4 min read
Our Head of Projects, Beccy Marston, shares her thoughts on International Women's Day:
This year as part of International Women’s Day we wanted to explore some of the factors that may explain why more women in the UK don’t cycle. The theme this year is #BreakTheBias, something which research and data is starting to uncover new insights into the causes for the gender gap in cycling.
We know for women, patterns of cycling can change through different stages in their life. There is a drop off in cycling for teenage girls with some returning to cycling for leisure or commuting between the ages of 20-30 and then a pause again when starting to have children (Bonham & Wilson, 2012). Women have less time to fit exercise into their lives, having more caring and household responsibilities and have the need to do chains of trips in local areas (Cycling for All, Arup & Sustrans, 2020).
For women, the biggest barrier to cycling is safety (Sustrans, Bike Life, 2019). Even though cycling is statistically low risk (Cycling UK, 2019), the perception of safety is very different for women than it is for men. When designing cycle routes, some unconscious bias could be occurring by assuming segregation from motor vehicles will combat safety as a barrier. However perceptions of safety for women go much deeper including;
Analysis of See.Sense crowd sourced data in London and Dublin using our ACE bikes lights, has provided insights into the different journeys and road positioning between men and women. In London women are using more of the dedicated cycle routes and avoiding shorter, more direct routes to avoid large junctions/roundabouts. As a result they would rather cycle further, but benefit from smoother road surfacing and experience less braking and swerving. In Dublin, where our sample included 45% female participants, we found much rougher road surfaces, serving and breaking for women than men. One possible explanation for this, is women who are less confident riders, tend to ‘hug’ the kerb, where the surface is rougher and filled with debris. For less confident or untrained cyclists it can be daunting to ride in a more assertive position in the road and stick to the edges to avoid potential conflict or harassment from other road users.
But it is not all doom and gloom for the UK, with significant investment commitments in both England and the devolved nations. The creation of Active Travel England, where it was incredibly positive to hear commissioner Chris Boardman talk about ‘growing their own’ planners and engineers to increase the diversity of the workforce. As too are the Women in Transport network, supporting more women into the sector and researching female representation at board and decision making level to help #BreakTheBias.
In order to get more women cycling, here are a few things for cities and towns to consider when implementing cycle networks.
As the book ‘Cycling for Sustainable Cities’ concludes, we should be using women as the indicator species for a good cycling environment to help everyone to feel safe to cycle.
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